Reporting and Analytics

Now that your email marketing campaigns has been implemented, it’s time to have data and conversions show you the next best step for your business. By monitoring traffic and implementing campaign tracking, we’re able to figure out how best to reach and engage customers through emails. Stop wondering if a campaign is successful and see the proof for yourself!

Reporting and Analytics Unlock actionable insights and drive informed decisions with our comprehensive reporting and analytics solutions reas marketing.

Reporting and Analytics

We provide reporting and analytics during every process of a project to reveal what’s working and not working for a campaign.

Metrics can help optimize:

Our services will begin to increase these facets by establishing specific goals for your business and then tracking these objectives through consistent reports.

Analytical reports help prove if a certain campaign approach is working through the ability to compare minute details that you wouldn’t notice.

Metrics can help you see:

All these little details add up to the overall image and goals of your business. When data can be generated into trends for your company, you’ll have a better time understanding your customer. Custom reports can simplify these metrics into concise interpretations to make sure your company reaches its revenue goals.

Certified Marketing Consultants

Certified Marketing Consultants

Our certified Consultants will work side by side with your team to explain the options available, integrate your systems and help determine the optimal configuration to achieve your goals.

Marketing Automation Strategy

Marketing Automation Strategy

Integrating your marketing and sales efforts is no small feat. With the guidance of an experienced partner, you can ensure long-term success and a strategic vision that guides you down the path of optimal performance.

Email Campaign Execution Support

Email Campaign Execution Support

Our team will provide your team with on-going campaign support by implementing and executing your email marketing campaigns. We will become an extension of your marketing team so that you can achieve your marketing goals.

Develop Complex Automation Programs and Integrations

Develop Complex Automation Programs and Integrations

Integrating multiple data sources into your marketing automation platform can be a challenge for any business. Our team will help you take full advantage of your marketing automation software and integrate your email data with your CRM, enabling the sales team to quickly follow up on hot leads.

Email Marketing Health Check and Campaign Audit

Email Marketing Health Check and Campaign Audit

The Email Marketing Health Check and Campaign Audit enables your team to review your current marketing programs to identify weaknesses. We will help your team optimize your campaigns to drive more revenue and leads. We provide prioritized recommendations and insights across eight key areas of the application.

Best Practices Consulting and Training

Best Practices Consulting and Training

A Marketing Automation platform is a cutting edge piece of technology that routinely offers new features and improved processes. Let our certified marketing automation consultants guide you and create custom training plans to ensure your team has everything they need for success in their role.

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